
Monday, June 28, 2010

Are Ya Feeling It? Are Ya?

The new blog design I mean.

Thanks to the good people of Blogger for this new template designer ( which I’ve just discovered recently ), and the creative stylings of Tina Chen and Jason Morrow, my blog now looks decent.

I wouldn’t have had the courage to stir away from my old template ( due to lack of the proper skills ) without this new fangled gadget. But I will miss you dearly Hemingway blog template.

Hooray for innovation! You rock Google!

Hope you stick around! I’ll be coming up with lots of posts in the following days. I feel pumped up more than ever and I’m ready to give my pen and paper the proper lovemaking they deserve. LOL.


Sincerely yours,

Rasui Akira

Official Head MDL ( Modern Day Loser )

1 comment:

Carl said...

Love the new template designer, too! <3

Google!!! =)