
Thursday, December 31, 2009

F*ck it! It’s NOW or NEVER!

After a lot of time wasted on, I don’t know, whining about how I can’t get back on the writing saddle, constantly bitching how I don’t have the time and inspiration for it, and brooding on how much the metro has sucked all the creative juices from me, I’ve decided to settle this once and for all.

Shut up! Get your head on straight! And man up!

It dawned on me that I’ve been doing the same thing as most of us are doing, and trust me I’m not a big fan of parading along with the “herd”. We frequently make up reasons to avoid getting the things we want, our dreams. It’s there! Teasing us. Taunting us. Looking at us with its big puppy dog eyes and saying “F*cking take me!”. But still we retreat to the idea that we are “content” with our mundane lives.

Content?! We’re just scared shitless!

Deep inside one of us, there’s a little Tweety Bird, all cute and cuddly, but with the voice of the possessed kid in the Exorcist. And yes this munchkin of a joy does do 360 degree head spins while it chirps songs from the Devil. That’s how much we are scared of getting what we want in life.

The plain fact that not knowing what will happen next is a deal breaker for most of us. Would I be happy with this? What if it takes me back to my “dark ages”? What would other people think? No matter what reason, all I have to say is…

F*ck it ! It’s now or never !

It’s been one of my life’s mottos is that the only regret I would have in my life is the risk that I didn’t take. As long as it made me happy, I shouldn't f*cking care about what other people think. It’s my life and I should live it the way I want to ( but also in a realistic sense, is also agreeable to society at some point ).

So hopefully, I could maintain this blog and update it regularly. ‘Cause I love to write! And I want it back. No matter what Tweety says.

Hope this helps my fellow losers.

Sincerely yours,

Rasui Akira

Official Head MDL ( Modern Day Loser )

Notice – My Use of Profanity

I would like to give this notice to my readers ( and possible future readers ) of this blog that I will be using a lot of profanity when I write. I swear a lot in real life, and I decided it wouldn’t be natural for me ( and for you of course ), if I would edit the profanity out. I want the blog to reflect me in ways that it doesn’t feel fake, or limited.

So for those who are faint of heart and doesn’t like the use of the words “F*CK” and “DICK” in the same sentence, I suggest you get used to it or find some filtering do-hickey ( with a lot of people working on add-ons for Firefox, it wouldn’t surprise me if there is one… and yes I hate IE ). I would take some time to edit and/or censor such dirty words with asterisks ( * ). But if I missed any, all I could say is…

Woops! My bad. Muhahahaha!

Sincerely yours,

Rasui Akira

Official Head MDL ( Modern Day Loser )

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Defining (a) ‘Modern Day Loser’

In attempts to start my kick-off post for this blog, I decided to write about the idea behind the blog’s name, how it came to be in the first place, and how it would hopefully become a medium for who knows of what purpose.

All I’m sure of is that I wanted to write again.

It’s been ages since I sat down, bowed my head, drowned my ears to the music of my headphones until my heart told my hand to write something, which eventually turned out to be pretty damn good, most of the time.

But for approximately two years, I went into a mandatory writing hiatus. One that is brought up by either my refusal to go back to my “old days”, where I wrote most of my poetry while I was depressed, confused or angry or either by the fact that the gift I have for the written word ( if I did have one ) has been lost for good.

I had the “groove”. I lost it. Now I want it back.

Fucked up or not, I know I can write something. It may be some random piece of sucky nonsense or something meaningful, influential and even life changing. I just missed the feeling you get when you touch someone else, though they're far away. The butterflies you have when a reader says that somehow they felt a connection between you and what you’ve wrote.

I have to do it. I will do it. I must. For myself for once.

Why did I call this blog “Modern Day Loser” in the first place?

Well the name was from my Plurk page ( which I know is gathering dust like most of my social networking accounts ), entitled “Re-evolution of the Modern Day Loser”. I gave it the title because at the time when I’ve felt that I’m a loser.

I always did things half –baked (and the fact that I recently wear a bag everyday that says “Never Do Things Have Baked” is both a smack on the forehead and a motivation for me). I stunk when it came to grasping relationships ( or keeping them for more than a month ). Though people close to me thinks that I’m accomplished and in general a great guy, I had the opposite idea about myself or somehow I felt that I’m not as complete as they think I am to be.

But beneath all the crap I felt, I was thankful that I am the way I am ( weird I know... ). Because without the struggles ( and perhaps the knee-high shit I was in ), I wouldn't have been the person I am today, somehow stronger, smarter and more equipped to handle the storms that life may throw in my direction.

On that note, this blogged is formed around the idea that losing ( in a general sense ) may be seen as a bad thing at first. But the rewards of being a loser, and at times when you least expect it, are greater than those of the winners have gained.

As much as possible, this blog would mostly showcase the up-side to the bad things ( OK, I’m not an expert on optimism but I’m working on it ). That...

Losing ain’t always a bad thing.

So hope that you would stick around for my next posts. Take care.


Sincerely yours,

Rasui Akira

Official Head MDL ( Modern Day Loser )