
Monday, June 28, 2010

Are Ya Feeling It? Are Ya?

The new blog design I mean.

Thanks to the good people of Blogger for this new template designer ( which I’ve just discovered recently ), and the creative stylings of Tina Chen and Jason Morrow, my blog now looks decent.

I wouldn’t have had the courage to stir away from my old template ( due to lack of the proper skills ) without this new fangled gadget. But I will miss you dearly Hemingway blog template.

Hooray for innovation! You rock Google!

Hope you stick around! I’ll be coming up with lots of posts in the following days. I feel pumped up more than ever and I’m ready to give my pen and paper the proper lovemaking they deserve. LOL.


Sincerely yours,

Rasui Akira

Official Head MDL ( Modern Day Loser )

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Flooding sight,
Rhythmic dances of light,
Swaying to melodies of the sky.

Suddenly it reveals,
Demons behind its curtains,
Howling gravity at one’s feet.

Sweet is the taste of fruit,
Nestled on inviting hands.
Innocence in its grace.

Alas, it turns bitter and evil,
From juices forbidden, spiting.
From arms subduing, lustful.

Bring unto me,
A breath without smoke,
A heartbeat without knives.

I beseech you!
Senses! Give me clarity!
I cannot take the lies.

- Rasui Akira