Thoughts captive, words rattle in bags.
Camouflage-clad beings pace their space.
Steps bounce off walls,
and, in steel barred fences,
each one resides,
hears doors occasionally creak,
in the prison of one's mind.
Refugees with mission,
shatter time's stillness,
restore social peace.
Yet reluctant, they flee,
Escape through some passage,
would be their defeat.
Watchers cloaked in the dark,
senses awake, reflexes alert,
pursue all who oppose.
Even as vanguards rest,
they choose to stay,
converse, formulate strategies.
Chills rush down spines,
as guards charge furious as lions,
at sounds of their snoring.
Rays pierce walls.
Plans now ready,
freedom is evident.
Time watches captives.
Light guides them ahead.
Winds embrace them.
Plains of pressed pulp shelter their loads,
of endless remarks they've carried.
Garden of ideas form,
nourishes fruit it bears.
Share Eden their venture -
broken lands will heal and flourish.
- Rasui Akira
written on January 10, 2006 – 11:10 PM
Thanks to Zonia ( Anna Emkah ) and Lyndon ( Allpoetry ) for taking time to read and help edit the poem for a contest ( though it was too late to enter ) and for the tips they've given me in writing poetry.