
Friday, November 17, 2006


The weight is on my shoulders.
It’s for me,
and me alone.

The smoke,
I inhale
and exhale.
The sweet poison,
I’m drowning in,
The strain,
the sweat,
the tears,
Is my undoing.

Get you’re hands away from me!
I don’t need your kindness.

Will it soothe me?
Will it end my thirst?
You only think that it will.

This is mine.
Only mine.

- Rasui Akira

written on November 17, 2006 - 10:46 AM


I’m the lost boy,
Smelt of smoke and liquor,
And who stared into infinity.

The lights spun,
round and round.
The sounds
startled my quiet heart.
And the people
moved swiftly.

I wish my innocence never died
when I vomited.
It still comes.
Nausea, burning my insides.

Wash my stained clothes.
Give me a bath.
Please! Rid me of the chaos!

- Rasui Akira

written on November 13, 2006 – 3:05 PM

Friday, November 10, 2006


Lips move awkwardly.
Stares deceiving.
It escapes,
only to be unknown.

Do you offer me those kind words,
oh glorious oppressors?
Stop slashing me from behind,
Hit me between my eyes!

You’re silent, are you offended?
For you are only bold,
when hiding behind a curtain.

- Rasui Akira

written on November 9, 2006 – 4:35 PM


Hanging on twine,
like it’s built from steel,
Unmoved by the peril below.
Your face painted with a grin,
As eyes stared forward,
capturing the skies.

What makes you steady?
You thirst, but you don’t drink.
You need life, but you chose death.

The sun can’t shine eternally,
in a world with two sides.
Light submits to darkness,
at least once.

- Rasui Akira

written on November 9, 2006 – 4:21 PM


The heat is within me.

I’m flushed by the embers.
Numbing thoughts,
Slave to magic goblins.

Anxiety vanishes,
Lust in my veins.
Can’t I be happy
without poison?

Sultry incubi,
Share me your secret,
For enjoying the pain
of others and myself.

Nothing makes sense now,
except for this emerald wonder.

- Rasui Akira

written on November 3, 2006 – 7:31 PM


Calm me with the sweetness.
Your embrace
within a thousand tendrils,
Caressing each nerve.

Sweep me off my feet.
Take me to lands untouched,
As golden leaves slumber,
Under the sun’s shy gaze.

- Rasui Akira

written on November 10, 2006 - 1:36 PM

The Chatroom

Let go!
My hands are not yours.

Each stroke, consuming.
I’m hypnotized by the fluorescence.

In a world with six walls,
No doors, no windows.
All I have
is a lonely escape key.

Time and space are lost,
In the vortex
of a recurring novel.

Why can’t I detach?
One push is freedom.
Yet I’m idle.
Oh sweet, blind hopes!

So I ask you again,
Let go!
My hands are not yours!

- Rasui Akira

written on November 1, 2006 – 10:28PM